Monday, June 29, 2009

praise song from the aegean

from the ends of the earth

from the depths of the sea

from the heights of the heavens

Your Name be praised

from the hearts of the weak

from the shouts of the strong

from the lips of all people

this song we raise, Lord

throughout the endless ages

You will be crowned with praises

Lord most high

exalted in every nation

Sovereign of all creation

Lord most high

be magnified

i see the depths of the sea.
i am at the far end of the earth, farther from home than i have ever been.
i have never seen skies so high, stretching from the vast horizon of the sea all the way to the heavens.
i cannot count the stars in an uninterrupted sky, though they loom so large I could almost touch one.
if only i could climb the mast, perhaps there i could reach.
perhaps there i could join in the music of the spheres, join in the heavenly chorus of the angels.

higher than the mountains on all sides that just barely avoid scraping the stars from the sky.
higher than the azure blue sea, filled with secrets of creation, is deep.
higher than this end of the earth is far from home.

Lord most high. Your Name be praised.
from the lips of all people.
from the spray of the sea.
from the roar of the wind.
from the roll of the waves.
from the shimmer of the stars.
from the sear of the sun.

be magnified.


TwoSquareMeals said...

Beautiful. I can't wait to hear and see more.

Unknown said...

Wonderful. I didn't know you traveled overseas this summer. We did too. I'm glad you got a chance to spend some away time with your beautiful family. I think of you often...